My Calculator - Android App with Firebase Integration

  • Key aspects: Firebase Setup, Calculator Functionality, User Interface(UI), Database Connectivity

The project began with setting up a Firebase account to establish the backend infrastructure. In Android Studio, the "My Calculator" app was created and integrated with Firebase using the appropriate SDK dependencies. Firebase Authentication was optionally set up for user management. The app's core functionality, a calculator, was implemented along with the user interface. Firebase Realtime Database or Fire store was configured to store data efficiently

The app was coded to connect to Firebase, allowing data to be read from and written to the database seamlessly. Testing and debugging were rigorously performed throughout development, and the app was launched for testing within Android Studio.

Depending on the project's goals, deployment to distribution platforms like the Google Play Store was considered for wider accessibility. In essence, the project involved building a calculator app in Android Studio, connecting it to Firebase for data storage, ensuring proper functionality, and potentially deploying the app for public use.