Agricultural Crop Monitoring System using IOT

  • Key aspects: IOT Technology, Node MCU, Soil Moisture assessment, Python

The Agricultural Crop Monitoring System leverages IoT technology to address the challenge of monitoring crop conditions in remote or unmanned agricultural settings. Key components of the system include Node MCU, various sensors (such as DHT for temperature and humidity, LDR for light levels, PIR for motion detection, and CO2 sensors), cloud integration (via platforms like ThingSpeak), and programming in Python. The primary objective of this system is to accurately assess soil moisture levels. When the sensors detect that the soil's moisture content has fallen below a specified threshold, the system triggers an automated irrigation process

This ensures that crops receive the required amount of water at the right time, mitigating the risk of crop damage due to insufficient moisture.

By combining sensor data, cloud connectivity, and Python programming, this IoT-based solution offers an intelligent and efficient approach to agricultural crop monitoring and irrigation. It enhances crop yield, conserves water resources, and reduces the need for constant human monitoring and intervention.